4.17 Viewing an authentication code for a person
As an operator, you can request an authentication code for a person that allows them to authenticate to the MyID server and log on to the MyID Operator Client. The code is displayed on your screen, and you can then provide it to the person who needs to log on; for example, by reading the code out over the phone.
For details of using an authentication code to log on to MyID, see section 3.2.5, Signing in using single-use authentication codes.
For more information on setting up MyID for authentication code logon, see the Configuring authentication codes for the MyID authentication server section in the Administration Guide.
To view an authentication code for a person:
Search for a person in the MyID database, and view their details.
See section 4.1, Searching for a person for details.
You can also view a person's details from any form that contains a link to their account.
For example:
- Click the link icon
on the Full Name field of the View Request form.
- Click the link icon
on the Owner field of the View Device form.
- Click the link icon
Click the View Auth Code option in the button bar at the bottom of the screen.
You may have to click the ... option to see any additional available actions.
You must make sure that you have the View Auth Code for Logon option selected for your role in the Edit Roles workflow.
The View Authentication Code screen appears.
Type any Notes you want to store in the audit trail about the operation.
From the Lifetime drop-down list, select how long you want the code to be valid.
The options here are determined by the values saved in the Auth Code Lifetime for Immediate Use and Auth Code Lifetime configuration options; by default, the options are:
Expires 30 days from request – based on the default Auth Code Lifetime setting of 720 hours.
Expires 2 minutes from request – based on the default Auth Code Lifetime for Immediate Use setting of 120 seconds.
Note: The complexity of the code is determined by the Auth Code Complexity configuration option.
Click Save.
MyID displays the authentication code on screen. You can now provide this to the person who needs to authenticate to MyID; for example, you can read the code out over the phone, or send it by a secure chat channel.